„Who’s There?“ – a Super Short Horror Film shot on the BMPCC 6K

Last December I had borrowed the Pocket 6K to test it and had two hours left before I had to give it back – so I decided to shoot a spontaneous narrative horror short film. To manage in time all we used was available light, one lens (my old Exakta 24mm photo lens) a tripod and a slider. We also restricted ourselves to only two rooms. I set up the first shot and we went from there.

Watch in 4K for best results or on Vimeo here.

Editing was done in FCPX and since I recorded in BRAW I had to create proxy files in DaVinci Resolve. Once I was happy with the editing I went back to Resolve (via XML) and started Color Grading. As a base I used a Kodak Print Film LUT, after transforming the color space to Cineon. I also added some film grain (to see it on YouTube you have to set it to 4K, or better, watch it on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/555218186)

Sound Editing and Mixing was done in Fairlight. Since we didn’t record any sound while shooting I recorded everything later with an iPhone.

Noah Hähnel did the VFX in the film. We filmed a real hand coming through the mail slot and replaced it with a CGI hand. Noah sculpted the hand in Blender and animated it in Houdini. Matchmoving was done in SynthEyes and Compositing in Blackmagic Fusion.

Tech Specs:
Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K
Lens: Exakta 24mm T2.4

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